Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Jim'll Fix It

On Sunday it was another of Pioneers Church's 'Tea and Talk' event at Leicester House. The title was 'Jim'll Fix It'. The theme was the miraculous fixits of Jesus. Number were down. Jan and Lawrence were in Turkey, Pat and Arthur were at home on the ocassion of her birthday. But, most others were there. At tea time we ate half a birthday cake and took the rest to share with Pat.

On Monday Joni and I were back round to Jubilee House Christian School. A month ago we removed out of date computers from the ITC room. But, today we replaced these computers with even better ones including flat screens. The replaced computers are being distributed around the school. I have been asked to consider being a governor of the school. The main event of the day was my visit to potential wedding photography customers. After my twenty minute presentation I now wait until they have seen other photographers. I used the picture of Jan being confettied as my advertising picture.

On Tuesday I was able to complete my mission of producing a card for Francis to give to Evelyn (a neighbour) as a thank you for the work that she had done in judging a school gardening competition. I was only able to carry out the assignment by talking to her on her allotment. This is the result.

Tuesday evening was complicated. I had conflicting appointments. I decided to attend the Churches Forum meeting at the Methodist Church, stay for long enough to make my contribution, return to open up the Community Centre, go home, watch TV and then go to lock the Centre.

On Wednesday our main task was to go and baby sit in Milton Keynes. Before leaving I was able to water in the green house and lift a few more bricks from the path, weed under them and reline with polythene.

We had a good evening with the grandchildren who were easy to get to bed. Tim and Isla went out for a meal and then to the Theatre. (I would expect that this will appear in his blog.)
We arrived home just before midnight.

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